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  • Latin Name: Mentha arvensis

    Plant Part: Herb

    Main Constituents: L-Menthol, Trans-Menthone, DL-Isomenthone, Neo Menthol, Limonene, Alpha Pinene, Beta Pinene, Methyl Acetate,

    Isopulegol, Octan-3-ol, 1,8- Cineole

    Processing Method: Distilled

    Appearance: Liquid, colourless to pale yellow

    Odour: Characteristic

    INCI Name: Mentha Arvensis Herb Oil

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Your Essentials in 100% natural and pure essential oils. Using what nature provides us to help improve you and your family’s mind, body and soul.

Crafted with love, from my family to yours,     Lisa

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